Women Shoes Fashion Trends 2021

Men and women wear different shoes, because they are different in structure to their feet. The requirement of Woman shoes fashion wants to look elegant and stylish. But bargain may cause the respect and admiration of colleagues and friends. The ability to quickly find the right model borders on art. If properly to make a choice, you can fix the calf defects and significantly improve the shape of the legs. Woman Shoes Fashion decorated with longitudinal straps and zippers cuts visually lengthen the short leg and give grace wide feet.

Inflated shin and foot narrow amenable to correction by means of woman shoes fashion with horizontal pattern, bright colors and decorated cross. Too visually legs seemed much shorter than you need to choose a contrasting color shoes and stockings. To thin legs do not go short boots, sarcastically emphasizing them, they look even thinner in high heels. Stiletto heels is not recommended beauties overweight, it attracts unwanted attention to volume forms the legs. Woman Shoes Fashion, decorated with interwoven straps increases the completeness of the legs. Footwear looks gracefully if organically combined the details. The platform is considered beautiful, does not exceed 20 mm. Dumb sock will be original if shoe visually narrows the foot. Has the advantage of stable heel, which does not expand at the bottom because the pace of progress takes goose.

With the submission of orthopedic wear narrow nose can afford only those women who are fully confident that the model produced by professionals, so do not come closes. Tall Boots are a sign of style “sexy.” Risky to combine high ankle with a large platform, sexy effect outshine any other style, their direct purpose – to increase small stature. In high boots suffer ligaments and tendons, systematic walking prevents them from fully operational. Gentle heel height does not exceed 4 cm carefully need to approach the selection of the sole; its thickness varies depending on the destination, weather and temperature conditions. For systematic movements in institutions or in the office recommended buying shoes on a natural sole. The sole is made of thick synthetic polyurethane – is the best option for walking on the street, which provides long lines for springs quality service selected shoes.


